
"Tasks" and "Puzzles": Easier Work Management with Categories pain points philosophy Oct 04, 2024

As a project manager who supports over 100 active projects at a time, I have a decent volume of personal tasks or actions to manage in order to keep those projects on track.

This isn’t easy, and I’ve developed and combined many strategies in my 8 years in the field to keep my own...

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Don't Automatically Accept Others' Timelines pain points philosophy Sep 20, 2024

As project managers, requests tend to fly at us all day. From project changes and status requests to process improvements and new projects to begin, tasks big and small come at us from all directions, and we must collect, organize, and work through them at a pace our companies find acceptable.


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A Busy Project Manager Finding the Courage to Slow Down pain points philosophy Aug 23, 2024

I am not being paid to read or promote the book discussed below.

I love being a project manager.

But one of the hardest things about my job is that my direct report and I, who make up the project management department, support over 300 active projects at a time between us.

We have a number of...

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Project Management is a "People Engineering" Job inspiration philosophy Aug 09, 2024

In high school I spent some time exploring engineering as a career field. I had a very logical brain and I enjoyed solving puzzles and problems with a fair amount of detail and technicality. I went to a few engineering camps at a local college to get a better understanding of what the role might...

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Good Decisions Can Have Poor Outcomes inspiration philosophy Jul 26, 2024

Sometimes you run across a little nugget on the internet—a graphic, a video, a quote, whatever—that you find yourself continuing to reference, show people, or send people again and again. I have a few nuggets like these marked as favorites in the photos app on my phone. They...

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Decisions and Actions: A Project Manager's Meeting Notes philosophy Jun 21, 2024

As a project manager, I suspect you’re in a fair number of meetings.

I hope those meetings are productive, and if they’re not, I’d love to help you change that!

But regardless, meetings are a communication tool—a means to an end for your project—which means...

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Grow as a Project Manager by Adding to Your Toolbox concepts philosophy May 03, 2024

The more I write about project management, the more I find myself talking about the “tools I have in my toolbox.” When I use this metaphor, I’m essentially talking about the possible responses I know about and feel prepared to use to various scenarios that arise in the course of...

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5 Practical Tools for Protecting Your Time pain points philosophy Apr 19, 2024

I once had a coworker who had clearly mastered the art of managing his own workload. He had a really positive way of saying no to new requests that were beyond his capacity. His response would almost magically leave you feeling good, even though he’d just declined to do what you asked.


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How You Share Information Matters philosophy Apr 12, 2024

This morning I woke up to an ant in the bathroom. Then another. And another.

This isn’t the first year my husband and I have had ants—though why they typically first appear in our second-floor bathroom is fascinating to me. Ants are irritating when they make their way into...

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I'm a Project Manager. Is Communication MY Job? philosophy Apr 05, 2024

If you’ve been a project manager for any length of time, have you noticed how much communicating you do?

I’ve heard it said that project managers have 3 priorities: communication, communication, and communication. I don’t disagree.

It begs the question, however: are we supposed...

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