If you’re totally new to using Gantt charts, check out my post about the critical path method, which explains what Gantt charts are and how to use them in a meaningful way when scheduling your projects.
But if you already have a basic grasp of Gantt charts and just want a little help...
As a project manager, I suspect you’re in a fair number of meetings.
I hope those meetings are productive, and if they’re not, I’d love to help you change that!
But regardless, meetings are a communication tool—a means to an end for your project—which means...
As a project manager, I’m in meetings ALL. THE. TIME. I probably have 15-20 meetings during an average work week.
For the most part, I enjoy meetings—not only because of the reminder that I’m not working alone, but also, I find them very effective in moving my projects forward.
...I love meetings.
I am being hyperbolic to say they are the best project management communication tool, because the best tool varies by situation, and the fun of being a project manager is your opportunity to decide which tool is best in your situation right now.
But on average, I find meetings to...
Recently, a project manager on my team and I both received phone calls from an upset team member.
We both run our projects in such a way that minimizes how often this type of interaction happens, but even the best project manager can’t prevent all conflict or all situations that might make...
Do people respond to the emails you send? Do they do so in a timely manner? Do they answer all your questions?
While project managers need to be prepared to use many different communication tools, email remains important. It may be a central means of communication at your organization. Or if your...
Have an upcoming kickoff meeting, and want to write a clear invitation and meeting agenda that send your project in the right direction?
You’ll find a template at the end of this blog for a kickoff meeting invitation with an agenda built-in. Feel free to copy and paste it into your...
Ah, deadlines.
In one sense, a great project manager rises above deadlines and keeps everyone focused on what meets project goals under current circumstances, even if that means original deadlines shift or fall by the wayside.
But in another sense, project schedules DO matter, and meeting a...
The more I write about project management, the more I find myself talking about the “tools I have in my toolbox.” When I use this metaphor, I’m essentially talking about the possible responses I know about and feel prepared to use to various scenarios that arise in the course of...
A lot of project management is getting other people to make decisions.
As project managers, some decisions lie with us, especially when it comes to choosing the right tools to use to move a project forward. The decisions that lie with the project manager can vary depending on how this role is...
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